Source code for circleguard.utils

from logging import Formatter
from copy import copy
from enum import Enum, IntFlag
from itertools import product, chain, combinations

import numpy as np

from circleguard.mod import Mod

[docs]class RatelimitWeight(Enum): """ How much it 'costs' to load a replay from the api. :data:`~.RatelimitWeight.NONE` if the load method of a replay makes no api calls. :data:`~.RatelimitWeight.LIGHT` if the load method of a replay makes only light api calls (anything but ``get_replay``). :data:`~.RatelimitWeight.HEAVY` if the load method of a replay makes any heavy api calls (``get_replay``). Notes ----- This value currently has no effect in circlecore and is reserved for future functionality. """ NONE = "None" LIGHT = "Light" HEAVY = "Heavy"
[docs]class Key(IntFlag): M1 = 1 << 0 M2 = 1 << 1 K1 = 1 << 2 K2 = 1 << 3 SMOKE = 1 << 4
KEY_MASK = int(Key.M1) | int(Key.M2)
[docs]def convert_statistic(stat, mods, *, to): """ Converts a game statistic to either its unconverted or converted form, depending on ``to``. Parameters ---------- stat: float The statistic to convert. mods: Mod The mods the replay was played with. Only ``Mod.DT`` and ``Mod.HT`` will affect the statistic conversion. to: {"cv", "ucv"} ``cv`` if the statistic should be converted to its converted form, and ``ucv`` if the statistic should be converted to its unconverted form. Notes ----- This method is intended for any statistic that is modified from what we expect by ``Mod.DT`` or ``Mod.HT`` being applied (ie changing the game clock speed). This includes ur (unstable rate) and median frametime (time between frames). """ check_param(to, ["cv", "ucv"]) conversion_factor = 1 if Mod.DT in mods: conversion_factor = (1 / 1.5) elif Mod.HT in mods: conversion_factor = (1 / 0.75) if to == "cv": return stat * conversion_factor return stat / conversion_factor
[docs]def order(replay1, replay2): """ An ordered tuple of the given replays. The first element is the earlier replay, and the second element is the later replay. Parameters ---------- replay1: Replay The first replay to order. replay2: Replay The second replay to order. Returns ------- (Replay, Replay) The first element is the earlier replay, and the second element is the later replay. """ if not replay1.timestamp or not replay2.timestamp: raise ValueError("Both replay1 and replay2 must provide a timestamp. " "Replays without a timestamp cannot be ordered.") # assume they're passed in order (earliest first); if not, switch them order = (replay1, replay2) if replay2.timestamp < replay1.timestamp: order = tuple(reversed(order)) return order
[docs]def replay_pairs(replays, replays2=None): """ A list of pairs of replays which can be compared against each other to cover all cases of replay stealing in ``replays`` and/or ``replays2``. If ``replays2`` is not passed (the default), this is a list of 2-tuples which are pairs of replays in ``replays``, where each replay will be paired with every other replay exactly once. If ``replays2`` is passed, this is a list of 2-tuples which are pairs of replays in where one replay is from ``replays``, the other is from ``replays2``, and every replay in ``replays`` is paired against every replay in ``replays2`` (but not against other replays in ``replays``). Returns ------- Iterable[(Replay, Replay)] The first element is the earlier replay, and the second element is the later replay. Notes ----- This is equivalent to ``itertools.combinations(replays, 2)`` if ``replays2`` is ``None`` or the empty list, and ``itertools.product(replays, replays2)`` otherwise. """ if not replays2: return combinations(replays, 2) return product(replays, replays2)
def check_param(param, options): if param not in options: raise ValueError(f"Expected one of {','.join(options)}. Got {param}")
[docs]def fuzzy_mods(required_mod, optional_mods): """ All mod combinations where each mod in ``optional_mods`` is allowed to be present or absent. If you don't want any mods to be required, pass ``Mod.NM`` as your ``required_mod``. Parameters ---------- required_mod: class:`~circleguard.mod.ModCombination` What mod to require be present for all mods. optional_mods = [class:`~circleguard.mod.ModCombination`] What mods are allowed, but not required, to be present. Examples -------- >>> fuzzy_mods(Mod.HD, [Mod.DT]) [HD, HDDT] >>> fuzzy_mods(Mod.HD, [Mod.EZ, Mod.DT]) [HD, HDDT, HDEZ, HDDTEZ] >>> fuzzy_mods(Mod.NM, [Mod.EZ, Mod.DT]) [NM, DT, EZ, DTEZ] """ all_mods = [] for mods in powerset(optional_mods): final_mod = required_mod for mod in mods: final_mod = final_mod + mod all_mods.append(final_mod) return all_mods
[docs]def powerset(iterable): """ The powerset of an iterable. Examples -------- >>> powerset([1,2,3]) [(), (1,), (2,), (3,), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3), (1, 2, 3)] Notes ----- """ s = list(iterable) return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s) + 1))
[docs]def hitwindow(OD): """ The number of milliseconds before and after a hitobject's time where that hitobject can be hit. """ # stable converts OD (and CS), which are originally a float32, to a # double and this causes some hitwindows to be messed up when casted to # an int so we replicate this return int(150 + 50 * (5 - float(np.float32(OD))) / 5)
def hitwindows(OD): hitwindow_50 = hitwindow(OD) hitwindow_100 = (280 - 16 * OD) / 2 hitwindow_300 = (160 - 12 * OD) / 2 return (hitwindow_50, hitwindow_100, hitwindow_300)
[docs]def hitradius(CS): """ The radius, in osu!pixels (?) of where a hitobject can be hit. """ # attempting to match stable hitradius return np.float32(64 * ((1.0 - np.float32(0.7) * (float(np.float32(CS)) - 5) / 5)) / 2) * np.float32(1.00041)
[docs]def filter_outliers(arr, bias=1.5): """ Returns ``arr` with outliers removed. Parameters ---------- arr: list List of numbers to filter outliers from. bias: int Points in ``arr`` which are more than ``IQR * bias`` away from the first or third quartile of ``arr`` will be removed. """ q3, q1 = np.percentile(arr, [75 ,25]) iqr = q3 - q1 lower_limit = q1 - (bias * iqr) upper_limit = q3 + (bias * iqr) return [x for x in arr if lower_limit < x < upper_limit]
[docs]class ColoredFormatter(Formatter): """ A subclass of :class:`logging.Formatter` that uses ANSI escape codes to color different parts of the :class:`logging.LogRecord` when printed to the console. Notes ----- Adapted from """ COLOR_PREFIX = '\033[' COLOR_SUFFIX = '\033[0m' COLOR_MAPPING = { "TRACE" : 90, # bright black "DEBUG" : 94, # bright blue "INFO" : 95, # bright magenta "WARNING" : 31, # red "ERROR" : 91, # bright red "CRITICAL" : 41, # white on red bg "NAME" : 32, # green "MESSAGE" : 93, # bright yellow "FILENAME" : 92, # bright green "LINENO" : 91 # bright red } def __init__(self, patern): Formatter.__init__(self, patern) self.colored_log = "{prefix}{{color}}m{{msg}}{suffix}".format( prefix=self.COLOR_PREFIX, suffix=self.COLOR_SUFFIX)
[docs] def format(self, record): # c as in colored, not as in copy c_record = copy(record) # logging's choice of camelCase, not mine threadName = c_record.threadName color = self.COLOR_MAPPING["NAME"] c_threadName = self.colored_log.format(color=color, msg=threadName) levelname = c_record.levelname color = self.COLOR_MAPPING.get(levelname, 37) # default to white c_levelname = self.colored_log.format(color=color, msg=levelname) name = color = self.COLOR_MAPPING["NAME"] c_name = self.colored_log.format(color=color, msg=name) message = c_record.msg color = self.COLOR_MAPPING["MESSAGE"] c_msg = self.colored_log.format(color=color, msg=message) filename = c_record.filename color = self.COLOR_MAPPING["FILENAME"] c_filename = self.colored_log.format(color=color, msg=filename) lineno = c_record.lineno color = self.COLOR_MAPPING["LINENO"] c_lineno = self.colored_log.format(color=color, msg=lineno) c_record.threadName = c_threadName c_record.levelname = c_levelname = c_name c_record.msg = c_msg c_record.filename = c_filename c_record.lineno = c_lineno return Formatter.format(self, c_record)