Replay Containers#

Whereas a Replay represents a single replay, a ReplayContainer represents a set of replays. This is useful for if you want to operate over the entire leaderboard of a map, a user’s top plays, etc.


A Map represents a beatmap’s top plays (ie leaderboard), as seen on the osu! website.

When instantiating a Map, you must specify which scores you want from the map via the span argument:

# top 3 replays on the map
m1 = Map(221777, span="1-3")

# first, second, and 85th replays on the map
m2 = Map(221777, span="1-2, 85")

# 10th, 11th, 20th, and 25th replays on the map
m3 = Map(221777, spn="10, 11, 20, 25")

We can also select replays set with a certain mod combination:

# top 2 HR scores (this means ONLY HR, not "HR plus any other mod")
m1 = Map(221777, span="1-2", mods=Mod.HR)

# third best HDHR score
m2 = Map(221777, span="3", mods=Mod.HDHR)


A User represents the top plays of a user, as seen on their profile.

Similar to a Map, you must specify which scores of the user you want, and you can optionally specify a mod combination to receive scores set with only that mod:

# top 2 scores of the user
u = User(2757689, span="1-2")

# second and third best scores with only HD
u = User(2757689, span="2-3", mods=Mod.HD)

Map User#

A MapUser represents all of a user’s plays on a beatmap. This is often only one score if the user has only ever played the map with a single mod combination, but could be more depending on how many times they’ve played the map with different mods.

Unlike Map and User, you are not required to specify which scores you would like via span. MapUser assumes you want all of the scores the user has set on the beatmap:

# all replays by cookiezi on everything will freeze
mu = MapUser(555797, 124493)

You can still optionally specify a span argument if you would like:

# only cookiezi's second best replay on everything will freeze
mu = MapUser(555797, 124493, span="2")

Replay Dir#

A ReplayDir represents replays stored locally in a folder. This replay container creates ReplayPath objects. Any file ending in .osr is recognized as a replay file. Nested directories are currently not supported.

# all replays in `/Users/tybug/Desktop/replays`
r_dir = ReplayDir("/Users/tybug/Desktop/replays")

Accessing Replays#

A ReplayContainer is iterable, so you can retrieve Replay instances contained by the ReplayContainer in the usual ways.

Index access:

m = Map(221777, "1-2")


for replay in m:

Creating a list from the ReplayContainer (or alternatively calling all_replays()):


We’ve used a method above, cg.load_info(), that we haven’t introduced yet. We will cover this method on the very next page (under Info Loading).