Representing Replays#

Before you can use circleguard to calculate statistics of replays or do other operations on replays, you need to know how to represent replays.

All replay classes you can instantiate are subclasses of Replay. We cover each class below.

Replay Map#

A ReplayMap represents a replay by a user on a map. To get the highest scoring replay by the user 2757689 on the map 221777:

replay = ReplayMap(221777, 2757689)

To restrict this to a replay with a certain mod combination, use the mods argument. To get specifically the HDHR by the same user as above:

replay = ReplayMap(221777, 2757689, mods=Mod.HD + Mod.HR)

Replay Path#

A ReplayPath represents a replay stored locally in an osr file. To get the replay stored in the file at /path/to/your/replay.osr:

replay = ReplayPath("/path/to/your/replay.osr")

Replay ID#

A ReplayID represents a replay that was submitted online and is represented by a unique replay id.

r = ReplayID(2177560145) # cookiezi on freedom dive


We can only retrieve the replay data, and nothing else, for a ReplayID due to limitations with the api. This means we do not know with what mods or on what map a ReplayID was played on. This limits what kinds of functions can be called on it. For instance, cg.ur() and cg.hits() both require knowing what beatmap the replay was played on, and will reject a ReplayID.

Replay String#

A ReplayString represents a replay file which has been read into a string object. This replay class is rarely used.

replay_data_str = open("/path/to/your/replay.osr", "rb").read()
replay = ReplayString(replay_data_str)