from enum import Enum, auto
import numpy as np
from circleguard.utils import check_param
from circleguard.hitobjects import Hitobject
[docs]class JudgmentType(Enum):
Hit300 = auto()
Hit100 = auto()
Hit50 = auto()
Miss = auto()
[docs]class Judgment:
A judgment on a hitobject. A "judgment" is either a hit or a miss, with
a hit being further classified as a 300, 100, or 50.
hitobject: :class:`slider.beatmap.HitObject`
The hitobject being judged. This is converted to a
replay: :class:`circleguard.loadables.Replay`
The replay this judgment was made on.
beatmap: :class:`slider.beatmap.Beatmap`
The beatmap this judgment was made on.
type: :class:`JudgmentType`
The type of this judgment (either Hit300, Hit100, or Hit50, or Miss).
def __init__(self, hitobject, replay, beatmap, type_):
# TODO remove `already_converted=True` when
# is fixed
self.hitobject = Hitobject.from_slider_hitobj(hitobject, replay,
beatmap, True)
self.type = type_
[docs]class Miss(Judgment):
A miss on a hitobject when a replay is played against a beatmap.
def __init__(self, hitobject, replay, beatmap):
super().__init__(hitobject, replay, beatmap, JudgmentType.Miss)
[docs]class Hit(Judgment):
A hit on a hitobject when a replay is played against a beatmap.
hitobject: :class:`slider.beatmap.HitObject`
The hitobject that was hit. This is converted to a
t: float
The time the hit occured.
xy: list[float, float]
The x and y position where the hit occured.
replay: :class:`circleguard.loadables.Replay`
The replay this hit was made on.
beatmap: :class:`slider.beatmap.Beatmap`
The beatmap this hit was made on.
type: :class:`JudgmentType`
The type of this hit (either Hit300, Hit100, or Hit50).
def __init__(self, hitobject, t, xy, replay, beatmap, type_):
super().__init__(hitobject, replay, beatmap, type_)
# TODO remove ``t`` in core 6.0.0, ``time`` is more intuitive. ``x`` and
# ``y`` are fine as is though since there's no longer name for them.
self.t = t
self.time = t
self.xy = xy
self.x = xy[0]
self.y = xy[1]
self.type = type_
[docs] def distance(self, *, to):
The distance from this hit to either the center or edge of its
to: {"center", "edge"}
If ``center``, the distance from this hit to the center of its
hitobject is calculated. If ``edge``, the distance from this hit to
the edge of its hitobject is calculated.
The distance from this hit to either the center or edge of its
check_param(to, ["center", "edge"])
hitobj_xy = self.hitobject.xy
if to == "edge":
dist = np.linalg.norm(self.xy - hitobj_xy) - self.hitobject.radius
# value is negative since we're inside the hitobject, so take abs
return abs(dist)
if to == "center":
return np.linalg.norm(self.xy - hitobj_xy)
[docs] def within(self, distance):
Whether the hit was within ``distance`` of the edge of its hitobject.
distance: float
How close, in pixels, to the edge of the hitobject the hit has to
Whether the hit was within ``distance`` of the edge of its
The lower the value, the closer to the edge the hit occurred. This value
can never be greater than the radius of the hitobject.
return self.distance(to="edge") < distance
[docs] def error(self):
How many milliseconds off this hit was from being a perfectly on time
hit. If negative, this was an early hit. If positive, this was a late
hit. If 0, this was a perfect hit.
How many milliseconds off this hit was from being perfectly on time.
return self.time - self.hitobject.time
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.hitobject == other.hitobject and self.t == other.t and
self.xy == other.xy)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.hitobject, self.t, self.xy))
def __repr__(self):
return f"Hit(hitobject={self.hitobject},t={self.t},xy={self.xy}"
def __str__(self):
return f"({self.x}, {self.y}) at t {self.t}"